Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez“Oscar M. Lopez: For Love of Nature,” a tribute and book launch, will be held at the Rockwell Tent, Rockwell Center on August 2, 2012.
Welcome remarks will be delivered by Federico R. Lopez, chairman and CEO of First Philippine Holdings Corporation. Also slated to speak at the tribute to Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez (OML) is Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sec. Ramon Paje.
Meanwhile, the three books that will be launched are “Rafflesia of the Philippines,” “Generations” and “Philippine Native Trees 101.”
Richard Tantoco, Energy Development Corporation president and COO, will introduce “Rafflesia of the Philippines.” It is the first book to present the latest taxonomic information on the 10 Philippine species of the largest single flower in the world. More than a coffee table book, “Rafflesia of the Philippines” is a good resource material for taxonomists, conservationists and Rafflesia enthusiasts.
First Gen Corporation president and COO Giles Puno will introduce “Generations,” which features the beauty and majesty of the mountains, natural rivers, streams, volcanoes and the flora and fauna thriving in First Gen’s sites across the country. “Generations” provides tangible proof that the business of power generation, when running on clean and renewable fuels, can coexist harmoniously with nature, communities and the people around it.
The third book, “Philippine Native Trees 101,” showcases 108 Philippine native trees and their botanical and technical information as provided and validated by respected names in the botanical and forestry worlds. The book also features poems and anecdotes about the trees from botanical aficionados. It will be introduced by Dr. Angelina Galang, president of Green Convergence for Safe Food, Healthy Environment and Sustainable Economy.
An inspirational message by OML will cap the evening’s activities.