EDC corporate relations department head Erwin Magallanes (seated, 5th from left) with CENR officer Crisostomo Badeo Jr., Sr. Mary Michael Bactong, OSF of Holy Cross College of Carigara, EVSU Carigara OIC director Dr. Ronald Madera and PNP, AFP, Metro Carigara Water District and Carigara LGU representativesThe remaining forests and wildlife in Carigara, Leyte now have better chances of being preserved through Energy Development Corporation’s (EDC) partnership with the Multi-sectoral Forest and Environmental Protection Committee (MFEPC).
Composed of EDC, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the local government of Carigara, Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Bureau of Fire Protection, Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Agriculture, Perpetual Help Community Cooperative, Eastern Visayas State University, Holy Cross Parish and people’s organizations, the MFEPC vowed to strengthen their collaboration to protect the remaining forest and biodiversity in Carigara. This commitment was sealed through a memorandum of agreement (MOA) that all parties signed in June.
“One very important lesson that we have learned over the years under the EDC BINHI program is that it is through strong partnership and collaboration that we can achieve our goals efficiently and effectively. By working hand in hand, we can ensure the verdant legacy of our Philippine native trees and a cleaner and greener future for our communities, friends and families,” said Regina Victoria Pascual, EDC vice president and corporate support functions group head, during the MOA signing ceremony.
The MFEPC will augment and support the limited manpower of the EDC- and DENRled forest protection team.
The forest is a part of the geothermal reservation that EDC has been trying to protect as it operates the 711-megawatt Leyte Geothermal Project, the world’s largest geothermal steamfield.
Through the partnership, EDC has committed to organize a barangay forest protection brigade for Brgy. Paglaum and Brgy. Caghalo in Carigara and provide financial support and insurance for its members. It will also continue helping its host communities through livelihood support and capacity-building activities.
Lastly, EDC will assist the MFEPC in the enforcement of forestry and environmental laws, rules and regulations. (Story/Photos by: Frances Ariola)