FPIP vice president Ricky Carandang and PRC-Batangas Chapter administrator Ronald Generoso (2nd and 3rd from left, respectively) after signing the agreement on the joint project. With them are John Carlo Navalta (extreme left), FPIP external relations manager; and Mark Jerick Paz, head of PRC-Tanauan CityFirst Philippine Industrial Park Inc. (FPIP) and Philippine Red Cross (PRC) have agreed on a joint project to organize in Tanauan City, Batangas, volunteers who will be trained to respond rapidly to emergencies and disasters.
PRC, through its Batangas Chapter administrator Ronald Generoso, and FPIP, through vice president Ricky Carandang, signed recently a service agreement for the implementation of their joint project, which also aims to strengthen the country’s disaster risk reduction and management system.
Under the agreement, both parties agree to help each other in mobilizing grassroots-level volunteers who will train and familiarize themselves with PRC programs, in particular with the Red Cross 143 program (RC143).
Red Cross created RC143 to build community resilience where RC143 volunteers—composed of one leader and 43 members—serve as the eyes, ears, hands and feet of PRC.
The program aims to promote a culture of self-help in schools, workplaces and communities by developing a network of Red Cross volunteers who will prepare for disasters and respond rapidly to emergencies.
Under the service agreement, PRC through its chapter in Batangas has committed to assume responsibilities including the recruitment and training of volunteers and monitoring their progress under RC143.
FPIP, for its part, has committed to assume a number of responsibilities, such as providing financial and logistical help for PRC training programs and activities, assigning local persons from the FPIP administration to assist PRC, and supporting PRC’s recruitment as well as other activities like mass blood-donation drives and annual fund campaigns.
(Story/Photos by:Joel Gaborni)