Volunteers prepare to distribute a special meal to the residents of Teresa Orsini Home for the Elderly Residential CareThe EmPOWER core team of First Gen Corporation initiated “Plate It Forward,” a preChristmas volunteering-feeding program that brought comfort and nourishment to 25 senior citizens at the Teresa Orsini Home for the Elderly Residential Care in Muntinlupa City.
In collaboration with Compassionate Community Kitchen, 15 employee volunteers from First Gen and First Philippine Holdings Corporation prepared and served nutritious meals, combining nourishment with heartfelt connections through singing, dancing and games at the care facility for abandoned elders and those receiving palliative care.
The day’s highlight was a Singaporean dish that introduced the seniors to new flavors. It reminded them that they deserve quality in every aspect of their lives, while lifting their spirits and reconnecting them with a sense of normalcy and joy. Alongside the meals, they received hygiene kits and water tumblers.
Story by:Dianne Datu