Lopezlink, a monthly publication of the Lopez Group of Companies

ELC@22 at the WTT

HR Council head Cedie Lopez Vargas with EDC’s Jun Dumlao; FPRC president Cary Lopez and GM Perry AvecillaHR Council head Cedie Lopez Vargas with EDC’s Jun Dumlao; FPRC president Cary Lopez and GM Perry AvecillaLopez Group employees and their family members and friends attended the HR Council-Lopez Lifelong Wellness Walk the Talk (WTT) held at Eugenio Lopez Center (ELC) in Antipolo on July 20, 2019.

First Philippine Realty Corporation (FPRC), First Philippine Electric Corporation and Third Generation Holdings Corporation sponsored the walk, which was attended by about 400 participants.

Aside from celebrating the 22nd anniversary of ELC, FPRC general manager Perry Avecilla in his welcome remarks emphasized that the WTT fell on the 118th birth anniversary of Lopez Group founder Eugenio H. Lopez Sr.

Caloy Campos from Lopez Group Foundation Inc. (LGFI) then took the stand to launch a new undertaking to be done in forthcoming WTTs, which is the From Refuse to Refuge: Simple Acts to Save Our Planet program.

Delegates from each company made signs sourced from recycled materials. The signs expressed that their companies support the From Refuse to Refuge: Simple Acts to Save Our Planet project and would like to help save the planet too.

As one of its sustainability projects, LGFI will be collecting recyclable hard plastics to be turned over to project partner Plastic Flamingo, a start-up that recycles plastic into planks for emergency shelters. In support of this endeavor, participants are encouraged to bring their used hard plastic containers that they would like to donate for the project; during WTT events and in selected Lopez Group activities, a recyclable receptacle will be provided where participants can drop their plastic containers.

Before tackling the 3.2-kilometer route, the participants warmed up via a lively stretching and exercise portion courtesy of Gold’s Gym.

Making WTT at ELC more engaging was the presence of booth setups, which included booths from SKY, ELC, Oscar’s and some wellness partners.(Story/Photos by: Gerbs de Castro)

Program hosts Jey Pasiona and Chiara Vicencio of FPRC with Winnah May Bustamante of Third GenProgram hosts Jey Pasiona and Chiara Vicencio of FPRC with Winnah May Bustamante of Third Gen

 First Philippine Electric Corp.’s Jimbooh Como First Philippine Electric Corp.’s Jimbooh Como

Hajji Yusop of ELCHajji Yusop of ELC

EDC EPDRU’s Paul RiveraEDC EPDRU’s Paul Rivera

LGFI’s Caloy Campos introduces the From Refuse to Refuge: Simple Acts to Save Our Planet programLGFI’s Caloy Campos introduces the From Refuse to Refuge: Simple Acts to Save Our Planet program

A display of harmony and unityA display of harmony and unity