Eugenio LopezI often ask myself this question—a question that triggers a whole string of other questions.
Is it the position of the hands on a watch or the numbers on a calendar? Is it the changing of seasons or the number of birthdays we’ve lived?
I realize in the end, time is all about how I choose to live my life and with whom I choose to share it, whatever the circumstances of my life may be.
The gift of time is the gift of life.
This Christmas season, this “special time” of the year when love prevails above all, give your loved ones a gift only you can. Give them your time; give them your life. Whether they are with you physically or virtually, hold them near and hold them dear. Let them feel they are the reason the season is special.
For some of us, as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord, we may find there is one less seat at the table. Someone whom we have loved so deeply, who is part of who we are, may have gone ahead to join our Creator for all eternity. His or her time may have come.
While that person is no longer with us and we miss him or her immensely, I know that person will always live in our hearts and memories because #FamilyIsForever. And forever is for all time.
Dear Kapamilya, this Christmas, I choose to be with you. While I cannot be with you physically, know that I hold all of you near and dear. You are the family I choose and whatever circumstances we may face in the future, we will face them as family.
Again, #FamilyIsForever!
Merry Christmas!