Asian Eye InstituteASIAN Eye Institute president
Benjamin K. Liboro is concurrent director of the Lopez Group-wide Business Excellence program.
It is no wonder then that Asian Eye vice president and general manager Bunny Peña-Gerochi counts business excellence as the Lopez value that most permeates Asian Eye’s operations.
“Asian Eye’s beginnings were rooted in nationalism. It was the vision of then chairman Oscar M. Lopez (OML) to deliver to Filipinos the same quality of eye care they could get abroad. Asian Eye also exemplifies the pioneering entrepreneurial spirit because of its commitment to make available in the country the best technology at the same time that it becomes available in Asia and in other parts of the world. But it all comes together under business excellence because of Asian Eye’s commitment to be at the forefront of eye care and practice,” says Peña- Gerochi.
Cornell University math graduate Peña-Gerochi and former petroleum banker Liboro are part of the Manufacturing and Portfolio Investments Group (MPIG) of First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC), parent company of Asian Eye. They were seconded to the eye center in 2007 and have meanwhile successfully zeroed out its capital deficit of P120 million, “the cost of starting up and establishing a presence in the market.”
Profitable “
Asian Eye has been profitable for the last four years. If we can maintain our earnings trajectory, then we may be able to declare our first dividend after our audited financial statements for 2010 come out next year,” Liboro says.
The biggest challenge for Peña- Gerochi moving has been managing people both in the organization and outside it, meaning patients. “There was a lot of adjustment on my part, being self-aware, recognizing my behavior and how it affects others. In (FPHC), we were all peers. We managed our bosses and looked to them for direction. (In Asian Eye,) people look to me for direction. They look at me as a leader and so I had to watch myself especially in making decisions and striving to be a role model.”
Peña-Gerochi credits her mentors for her evolution as a leader, among them Liboro, MPIG head Arthur de Guia, corporate human resources director Fil Alfonso, Lopez Holdings Corporation vice president-HR Pinky Diokno, and chairman emeritus OML himself.
“I believe I’ve been lucky in the types of leaders I’ve been exposed to. I feel they are sincere in wanting to see me grow, and they’ve been so generous with their time and wisdom. They have by and large tried to find the best fit for employees and provided the necessary support. Because of this, I’ve learned to take intelligent risks, and it is helping me now in Asian Eye,” she says.
Like a father Liboro, who has been with FPHC since 1979, says OML acts very much like a father to his corporate family.
“And so as an employee, you would want to do well because you don’t want to displease him or disappoint him, just as a child to his father.”
Outside of FPHC, Liboro’s mother is his model for living what he calls a useful life. A cardiologist, Liboro’s mom still practices in her clinic at the age of 91. “She says the day she can’t practice medicine anymore is the day she is ready to pass on.” He says he admires the Lopez family most for their courage.
Holding on to values “I love working with and for this family because they have the courage to live up to the standards and traditions of the founder, and to continue standing up to abusive people in government.
Frankly, it is a gift to be able to work in our organization where we can hold on to the values of our formative years, to retain that idealism and not sell out to expediency,” Liboro says.
The Asian Eye team invites Lopez Group members to check out the modern eye facility for a full checkup, “especially if you’re diabetic or hypertensive” which means higher risk of eye problems.
“Tell us what you need, we may just be able to bring it in. If you know people who need help but can’t afford it, bring them, too, especially if you are part of civic organizations like Lions or Rotary. We’ll see what we can do,” says Liboro.
“Come to Asian Eye. We have the best the country has to offer in terms of eye care,” says Peña-Gerochi.