Ambassador Manuel M. Lopez delivers his lecture to residents of Takahata hometown of Col. Nobuhiko Jinbo With students of Takahata TownAmbassador Manuel M. Lopez (AMML) delivered a presentation on the story of friendship between Pres. Manuel A. Roxas and Col. Nobuhiko Jinbo to a Japanese audience and some members of the Filipino community in Takahata, Yamagata Prefecture upon the invitation of the Takahata International Association.
The association organized the lecture for the residents of Takahata, which is the hometown of Col. Jinbo. Relatives of Col. Jinbo were also present during the lecture.
Little is known about the story of friendship between the two leaders. AMML’s account of how Col. Jinbo and Pres. Roxas saved each other’s lives during the Second World War provided an interesting piece of history shared between the Philippines and Japan. Their story impressed on the audience that respect, compassion and gratitude know no boundaries especially in times of hardship and war.
AMML also stressed the importance of Philippine-Japan relations. Cooperation between the two countries is at its peak today, highlighted by the immediate support and assistance provided by both countries during times of calamities. AMML encouraged the Japanese audience to participate in people-to-people exchanges between the Philippines and Japan as a means to generate deeper friendship and understanding between Filipinos and Japanese. (Source:
Ambassador Manuel M. Lopez poses with students of Takahata Town