First GenFGEN LNG Corporation has expanded the list of preferred tenderers to four in respect of its binding invitation to tender issued on Oct. 20, 2020 for the charter of a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) in respect of its interim offshore LNG terminal (project) that will be built at the First Gen Clean Energy Complex in Batangas City.
The four preferred tenderers are BW Gas Limited, Dynagas Ltd., GasLog LNG Services Ltd. and Höegh LNG Asia Pte. Ltd. after the satisfactory completion of a nonbinding prequalification process and following FGEN LNG’s receipt of a permit to construct, expand, rehabilitate and modify or PCERM from the Department of Energy.
The project will allow FGEN LNG to accelerate its ability to introduce LNG to the Philippines as early as Q3 2022 to serve the natural gas requirements of existing and future gas-fired power plants of third parties and FGEN LNG affiliates.
An FSRU is a liquefied natural gas carrier (LNGC) that is capable of storing LNG and which has an onboard regasification plant capable of returning LNG into a gaseous state and then supplying it directly into the gas network.
BW Gas Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the BW Group and is involved in the global market of transportation and floating regasification services of LNG, including construction, ownership and operation of FSRUs and other LNGCs.
Dynagas Ltd., meanwhile, is an LNG maritime transportation company headquartered in Athens, Greece. The company was established in 2004 to manage LNG carriers and other LNG infrastructure assets and took delivery of its first vessel in 2007.
GasLog LNG Services Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of GasLog, which is among the largest independent LNG midstream companies in the world, with experience dealing with cargo types as diverse as LNG, oil, dry-bulk and chemicals.
Höegh LNG Asia Pte. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Höegh LNG Limited, which is itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Höegh LNG Holdings. Höegh LNG Holdings specializes in the global market of transportation and floating regasification services of LNG, including the construction, ownership and operation of FSRUs and LNGCs.