The Nasulo geothermal facility in Negros OrientalSilliman University (SU) has renewed its power supply contract with Energy Development Corporation (EDC) for another two years.
One of the few universities in the country to be 100% powered by renewable energy (RE), SU is known for its strong environmental conservation programs.
Dr. Betty McCann, SU president, said the move to renew their power supply contract with EDC manifests “our institution’s commitment in institutionalizing our environmental principles, policies and guidelines that serve as the blueprint for the university’s major component activities in which the renewable energy utilization is one.”
SU, as an institution, shows the way by being a model of a sustainable campus, demonstrating the principles of zero waste, the waste management hierarchy, energy conservation, renewable energy utilization, biodiversity conservation and a reduced carbon footprint, McCann added.
“We did the math and we saw some savings but more importantly, it is the quality of life that we give to our students on campus. They see that we walk the talk, they see that our campus is green and the savings from our energy are also passed on to our students so economically, it has benefited the university as far as energy use is concerned,” said Jane Annette Belarmino, SU vice president for development.
Getting power from Geo 24/7 has likewise enabled SU to avoid 2,602 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent for its first two-year contract. Moreover, the university enjoys these benefits from indigenous power generated locally from EDC’s Nasulo geothermal facility in Valencia, Negros Oriental. Part of SU’s power supply comes from its own solar power panels.
Businesses and institutions that have an average monthly electricity consumption of at least 100 kilowatts like Silliman University can choose to get power from renewable sources, thanks to the government’s green energy option program (GEOP). Shifting to RE through licensed GEOP providers like First Gen and EDC’s Geo 24/7 is crucial for business continuity and for the world’s battle against climate change.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about shifting to RE through EDC. (Story/Photos by: Frances Ariola)